
Salus Technical launches online safety course to offset pandemic backlog


Aberdeen-based process safety firm, Salus Technical, has launched an online, on-demand training course which covers the fundamentals of managing process safety in high-hazard industries

With reports from over two thirds of managers in the energy industries that safety training was cancelled or postponed during the Covid-19 pandemic, the course has been designed to up-skill personnel with vital knowledge and understanding in a convenient and time-efficient format.

The Process Safety Awareness course is geared towards all personnel working in major hazard industries, and not just those tasked specifically with responsibility for process safety. The content has been written in line with key process safety frameworks from organisations around the world. Each of the series of short, dynamic videos communicates key points clearly, and gives immediately actionable advice.

Two UK-based energy operators have already signed up some of their workforce for the course, while several others have expressed an interest.

Founder and managing director of Salus Technical, David Jamieson, said, “I can't imagine what the families of victims must go through when they lose loved ones to a completely avoidable accident. I truly believe that the best way to prevent major accidents is to increase the process safety knowledge and understanding of everyone working in major hazard industries. That is what we have tried to make possible here.

“This course is about shifting the mindset of ‘safety is someone else’s job’ and getting to a place where each individual member of staff understands that they have a role to play in preventing major accidents. Everyone working in a major hazard industry should be knowledgeable in process safety, and the learnings from our course can be applied immediately. The easier we can make it for people to learn these points, then the quicker they can action them, making hazardous environments a safer place to work.”