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Dubai Municipality has secured seven new Certificates of Conformity (CoC) with international standards (ISO) and British standards across several key areas. (Image source: Dubai Municipality)

Dubai Municipality has secured seven new Certificates of Conformity (CoC) with international standards (ISO) and British standards across several key areas, reflecting its commitment to innovation, excellence, agility and institutional resilience

The Municipality received the specification ‘10845-1’ owing to its use of best practices in the management of engineering contracts specialising in construction, and the ‘ISO 19011’ for establishing an institutional system to manage internal audits on quality and administrative standards in accordance with international best practices.

Promoting effective governance

It achieved the ISO 37000 certification in recognition of its efforts in promoting effective governance, as well as developing and implementing a governance framework in line with the requirements of the new international standard, and the ISO 14001 certification for its environmental management systems (EMS). Additionally, the Municipality has obtained ISO 50001 certification for energy management, achieved by creating and implementing an institutional framework that maximises energy use while lowering consumption as well as achieving environmental sustainability and efficient resource management goals.

The Municipality secured the ISO 56002 certification for successfully implementing an innovation management system the ISO 38500 international standard for IT governance and digital transformation.

These specifications and certifications bring the Municipality’s total number of international certifications to 34.

H.E. Dawoud Al Hajri, director general of Dubai Municipality, said, “The Municipality embraces an institutional approach based on a culture of leadership, innovation, governance, sustainability and optimal investment in human and tangible resources. This distinctive approach has substantially contributed to accomplishing numerous international achievements and credits, which distinctly reflect the culture of excellence, agility standards and the pioneering institutional flexibility that we adopt within our line of action targeted at solidifying the Emirate’s position on global competitiveness indicators.”

H.E. Al Hajri added that owing to its remarkable human resources comprising of leaders, employees and specialised task forces, the Municipality has been able to continue offering exceptional municipal services and implementing strategies and projects that successfully meet global standards and benchmarks.

The ratification in Geneva. (Image source: ILO)

H.E. Ahmad bin Sulaiman AlRajhi, Minister of Human Resources and Social Development, presented the ratification instrument for the Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 2006 (No. 187), to the ILO director-general, Gilbert Houngbo.

The minister said, “The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is pleased to ratify the ILO Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 2006 (No. 187). This significant step reflects our commitment to ensuring the highest standards of safety and health in the workplace. By aligning with international best practices, we aim to safeguard our workforce, enhance productivity, and contribute to sustainable economic growth. This ratification underscores our dedication to creating a safer and healthier work environment for all employees in the kingdom. “

Houngbo said, “The central importance of occupational safety and health was confirmed in 2022, when the right to a safe and healthy working environment was included among the fundamental principles and rights at work. I sincerely welcome the ratification of Convention No. 187 by Saudi Arabia, demonstrating its commitment to this fundamental principle and right. Convention No. 187 is one of the fundamental ILO instruments on occupational safety and health and serves the improvement of occupational safety and health in a continuous and sustainable manner, with a view to preventing occupational accidents and diseases.”

The municipality carried out health and safety checks. (Image source: Canva)

In preparation for the upcoming Eid al Adha festival, South Batinah Municipality in Muscat has launched several awareness campaigns to ensure the health and safety of the community.

According to a statement released by the municipality, various departments in the governorate have implemented programmes aimed at raising awareness and preventing potential health hazards.

In Rustaq, the civic body has been distributing informational leaflets to citizens, highlighting the importance of using designated slaughterhouses for sacrificial animals and properly handling sacrificial waste.

Meanwhile, specialists from the municipality in Musannah have conducted inspection visits to restaurants, cafes, and food stores to assess compliance with health regulations.

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