bp is one of the Gulf of America’s largest oil producers, operating five major production platforms in the region. In an article on its website, bp outlines five ways it is working to keep its Gulf of America employees safe:
1. Principles to keep bp’s people safe
Making sure contractors are fully supported to work safely is critical to the company’s goal of eliminating Tier 1 process safety events. bp hosts a quarterly contractor forum – a dedicated space for bp’s contractors and leaders to talk about safety. Under the company’s Safety Leadership Principles, bp employees and contractors are empowered to speak up when something does not seem right and to stop work if they have concerns.
2. Leveraging digital technology for better planning and monitoring
bp’s Argos platform is using a digital twin of the facility that enables individuals to monitor Argos from bp’s US headquarters in Houston. The technology was recently used to remotely plan an inspection campaign of 300 valves on Argos to ensure they are being maintained correctly, eliminating the need for the team to physically travel back and forth to the platform. Using the twin, the time to complete the inspections was reduced by 50%. The technology is in use across all five of bp’s operated Gulf of America platforms and in other regions.
3. Deploying other cutting-edge technology to reduce risk
In addition to the digital twin, bp is using drones to inspect tanks in its Gulf of America platforms, eliminating the need for employees and contractors to enter confined spaces.
4. Weather safety
Temperatures on bp platforms in the Gulf of America can reach between 125 to 130° Fahrenheit. Keeping bp personnel on the platforms cool is critical to their ability to safely make decisions and follow protocols. bp started a pilot project on the Mad Dog platform for all offshore personnel to use specially designed, lightweight, cooling, fire-retardant clothing. Heat stress meters are being used to provide real-time data of the current heat risk on the platform. For hydration, test systems have been installed in bathrooms allowing the team members to self-monitor and regulate hydration. Hurricane preparedness sessions are also held, and weather forecasts distributed to warn of severe weather events.
5. Training bp’s future leaders
Under bp’s health, safety, environment and carbon (HSE&C) early careers program, recent college graduates are placed in teams with experienced safety professionals and visit platforms in the Gulf of America to learn about the work there. The participants take helicopter training before visiting, do a safety orientation once they arrive and shadow the HSE&C site lead at the facility. Current participants are developing safety resources that focus on specific Process Safety Fundamentals including engaging videos, case studies and discussion prompts for all frontline employees.
“These five aspects reflect bp’s belief that every incident is preventable,” says bp. “Technological improvements, a focus on early training and constant communication, with a continuous drive to learn and improve, go a long way toward reaching that goal. Simply put, everyone must go home safely when their shift is done – full stop.”