
Eventide partners with Softil to launch public safety operations solutions


Recording systems specialist Eventide and mission-critical communications (MCX) enabler Softil have partnered to see the world’s first MCX recording and replay solution being developed by Eventide for use in public safety, government, air traffic control, utilities, oil and gas and security operations

“Eventide has been at the forefront of innovation in the recording industry for over 50 years and this partnership with Softil enables us to continue that tradition and leap into the brave new MCX world in the shortest timeframe,” said Brad Basile, Eventide’s CEO.

“This partnership serves to illustrate the pace at which the MCX world is evolving,” added Pierre Hagendorf, Softil’s CEO. “Ultimately, all sectors of human endeavor will be driven by MCX technology and Softil’s BEEHD cross-platform enabling technology will be pivotal in bringing about this MCX revolution.”

Recording is a critical element of public safety operations and allows public safety agencies to reconstruct a response to a disaster or crime, run deep analysis, learn from it and much more. As public safety is now embracing MCX/MCPTT/PSBN (Public Safety Broadband Networks), MCX recording is becoming essential for successful service delivery.

Eventide is the first recording company to enter the MCX world and has partnered with Softil to create a best-of-breed, versatile MCX recording solution which will support all public safety recording requirements. Importantly, it will also allow seamless connectivity with the systems of all leading MCX service providers around the globe.