
Dubai to host HSE conference in March

The LEA Health, Safety, and Sustainability Day is set to take place on 5 March this year at DWTC. (Image source: Adobe Stock)


The Middle East and North Africa Leisure & Attractions Council (MENALAC) is organising the annual Leisure Entertainment & Attractions (LEA) Conferences

Scheduled on 4 March in Dubai this year, the LEA CEO Conclave will delve into several discussions covering topics such as building brand loyalty and exploring leadership and mentorships, among other relevant subjects.

HSE an important aspect

A major focus will be health and safety as well. The LEA Health, Safety, and Sustainability Day is set to take place on 5 March this year at DWTC in Dubai. It will address the paramount aspects of Health, Safety, and Sustainability, underscoring its commitment to guest safety and industry well-being.

Peter Stubbs, Chairperson MENALAC HSE Committee and Director of HSE, MAF said, “As representatives of the leading leisure and attractions industry within the region, it is our collective responsibility to embed the foundations of health, safety, and sustainability, and the MENALAC HSS Day serves as a beacon, guiding us toward a future where our industry not only excels but also shows social responsibility to all of its stakeholders.”