
CSD and Sharjah Police to ensure scooter riders follow safety guidelines


The Child Safety Department (CSD), an affiliate of the Supreme Council for Family Affairs (SCFA) in Sharjah, has collaborated with Sharjah Police to launch a public awareness video on its social media platforms highlighting the importance of adhering to electric bicycles safety guidelines

In aims to spread awareness on the safety measures and guidelines when using and riding electric bicycles, Child Safety Department in cooperation with Sharjah Police, reaffirms the importance of wearing a helmet to avoid any related accidents, and to make sure to always utilise the designated lanes for electric bicycles.

The video highlights that children above 14 are allowed to drive electric bicycles. Also, it demonstrates the importance of wearing a protective gear such as a helmet, as well as  making sure to switch on the front and rear lights, and driving in designated lanes for electric bicycles. Riders should maintain a safe distance from other riders or pedestrians, and park only at designated places when available. Reckless driving is prohibited by the law. 

The awareness video urges parents to monitor their children and ensure they are aware of the safety guidelines when driving electric bicycles. The video states that most electric bicycles accidents that involve children are categorised as ‘run-over accidents’ which usually occur due to riding in public roads designated for cars.

CSD stresses that parents are responsible in providing clear safety instructions to their children, and that, a child’s awareness begins from home.