
IIRSM expands Middle East activity through new partnerships


The International Institute of Risk and Safety Management (IIRSM) has signed an MoU with Abu Dhabi Vocational Education and Training Institute (ADVETI), focusing on the areas of risk management and occupational safety and health education and training

The signing took place at ADVETI’s Mussafah campus in Abu Dhabi and was attended by Dr Abdulrahman Alhammadi, ADVETI’s managing director, Sophie Williams, IIRSM’s director of Professional Development and Siobhan Connolly, ADVETI’s Curriculum Development specialist.

“We are very excited and pleased to enter into this partnership with IIRSM,” said Dr Alhammadi. “It will enable us to raise awareness of the importance of risk management in the UAE.”

Phillip Pearson, IIRSM chief executive, commented, “I am delighted with our strategic partnership and look forward to closely working together to raise awareness of the importance of risk management through practical education and training over the coming months and years in the UAE.”

Prior to the signing, ADVETI hosted IIRSM’s two Managing Risk pilot courses in Abu Dhabi, which received a high level of attendance from regulatory and government representatives. 

IIRSM has also signed an MoU with the International Powered Access Federation (IPAF), inclusive of key deliverables in support of each organisation’s activities in the Middle East, such as the provision of reciprocal benefits to qualifying IIRSM and IPAF members in the region. While the signing of an MoU with the Prefabricated Access Suppliers’ and Manufacturers’ Association (PASMA) will develop an already supportive partnership in the UK, UAE and Qatar, driving forward areas of collaboration that will benefit the membership base of each party.