
Airbus’ FUSE-IT project awarded for smart building management


The research and technology project FUSE-IT, conducted by 18 partners from France, Belgium, Portugal and Turkey and led by Airbus CyberSecurity, has received the 2018 ITEA Award of Excellence on Innovation

ITEA is a European cluster for software innovation and is part of the EUREKA programme, an intergovernmental network for research and development and innovation (R&D&I) cooperation, involving more than 40 countries globally. ITEA presented its annual awards of excellence in the frame of the EUREKA Innovation Days 2018 taking place in Helsinki, Finland.

Between 2014 and the end of 2017, the partners conducted research on FUSE-IT. In the context of Smart Critical Cities, its main objective was to find new ways to have efficient and safe as well as sustainable and user-friendly building management systems.

Airbus CyberSecurity and its partners have developed the Smart Secured Building System that links four typically independent building management modules such as energy, facilities, ICT and security. The technology obtained aims to provide a unified user interface for building management and security supervision, with smart sensors, networks and anomaly detection technology. The system has been successfully tested in the Centro Hospital São João (CHSJ), Portugal, one of the FUSE-IT partners.

As a major element of the building management system, a patented authentication mechanism for Internet of Things (IoT) was developed, allowing dynamic smart sensors to be deployed securely in a wireless network. This technology is being brought to the market as a slim software package from Airbus.

The 18 project partners are the French institutions Institut Mines Télécom, ARC Informatique, ICAM Nantes, V-TREEM, CEA List, SOGETI High Tech, Université La Rochelle, Thales Research & Technology, Thales System and Université de Bourgogne; Portugal’s ISEP-GECAD, Evoleo Technology, IP-BRICK and Hospital São João, Belgium’s NIKO and i-Minds and Turkey’s MOSBIT and CTECH.