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Zoho launches BackToWork to enable companies to return to the office safely and securely


Zoho Corporation, a technology company that offers a wide range of business software applications, has launched BackToWork, a fully comprehensive modular solution that allows companies and organisations to re-enter the workplace safely

“We have seen tremendous successes in our existing initiatives aimed at helping organisations through COVID-19 and its associated lockdowns,” said Hyther Nizam, president MEA, Zoho Corp. “Now that businesses are re-opening, we want to help them, this time through BackToWork, an application enabling companies to maintain end-to-end workplace safety.”

Scalable to companies and organisations of all sizes, BackToWork assists Chief Operations Officers, Chief Human Resources Officers, Facility Heads and their teams in making critical decisions about returning to work without compromising on safety and compliance aspects.

The robust application consists of six modules designed to address every concern involved in workplace re-entry process, all within one secure, easy-to-navigate solution:

Safe Entry: Businesses can define multiple buildings and locations within the application, and control access based on the wellness and travel history of an employee. This is achieved with the use of QR codes via a contactless end-to-end check-in system.

Employee Wellness Assessment: Workplace wellness can be tracked by defining self-assessment, safe entry, and travel policies. Employees can securely and privately submit a wellness questionnaire reporting travel history, recent medical history, and other pertinent possible exposure history.

Maintenance and Assets: Businesses can define and manage assets and building maintenance requests for employees. Repair/replacement requests can be handled in the app.

Admin Control Panel: BackToWork gives a 360-degree view of workplace data in pre-configured dashboards. Businesses can add and manage employees and configure roles for tasks such as approvals, emergency contacts, etc.

Volunteer: Volunteer programmes can be added and managed.

Communication: Announcements, FAQs, best practices, policies, safety documents etc. can be shared with employees and managed in the Communication module.