
Workers at construction sites in Dubai urged to keep hydrated


Health experts at Clinova have urged thousands of unskilled workers working in the UAE to consume O.R.S. hydration tablets, which the company says help to maintain hydration at work during summer

With daytime summer temperatures in the Gulf regularly exceeding 40 degree Celsius for prolonged periods of time, often with high humidity, the extreme environmental conditions make heat-related illness the most important health issue facing outdoor workers in the region. In addition, physical exertion produces heat at a higher, faster rate. This increased heat production can result in an increase in body temperature, which above a certain temperature, can be difficult to control. Therefore, it is important to develop ways to cool down the body to help maintain core temperature and reduce the negative effects of thermal stress.

A Japanese study of airport workers working in high temperatures found that ineffective hydration caused poor productivity and problems with concentration, potentially impacting on safety in the workplace. The study concludes that an intake of oral rehydration salts during outdoor work in a hot environment would be effective in preventing industrial accidents and heatstroke.

“Improving hydration is the key to self-protection for workers in hot climates,” said Arsalan Karim, director, Research and Development, Clinova Ltd. “These workers should drink a lot of water and consume O.R.S. tablets. Heavy outdoor work in the heat can cause substantial electrolyte losses. As such, O.R.S. tablets which are rich in electrolytes and minerals replenish the lost electrolytes, helping labourers perform at peak.”

More than half a million unskilled workers work at construction sites in Dubai, according to statistics issued by the Permanent Committee for Labour Affairs (PCLA).