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WEG’s SSW900 soft-starters rescues national power system from natural disaster


When recent flooding in North Macedonia threatened the country’s supply of electricity, Simtech Solution, turned to motor and drive manufacturer WEG for support at a critical time

More than 300,000 cubic metres of water had flooded the lower parts of the mine, effectively disabling all of its working operations. This had major ramifications, as ESM’s thermal power plant is an integral part of North Macedonia’s energy system. It supplies three times 265 megawatts of power, generating 70 % of the country’s overall power requirements.

The mine had to be drained, quickly and effectively. Extra pressure was added by the coming winter season, as North Macedonians’ lives and wellbeing would depend on the plant’s ability to produce electricity from its processed coal.

With such high stakes, ESM turned to its trusted supplier and partner of more than 10 years, Simtech Solution, which specialises in devising automation and SCADA systems, and power distribution and management for environments including industrial automation, water treatment and more. 

Simtech Solution had previously experienced WEG’s SSW06 series soft-starter, designed to accelerate, decelerate and protect three phase induction motors. This time, it opted for the SSW900 soft-starter from WEG for its advanced performance capabilities. 

Novevski, commercial manager, Simtech Solution, said, “We have been working with WEG for many years now. WEG International Trade, Austria has provided all kinds of equipment from its large stock in Germany. That was among the biggest reasons to go with WEG, their stock and quick response. They’re especially supportive in choosing systems that fit our technical requirements, we knew we could place our trust in WEG for this high-stakes project.”

The SSW900 is designed for energy savings, embedded protection and extended durability of electric motors. The equipment is fitted with a built-in bypass, which contributes to extending the starter lifetime, optimising the electrical installation and reducing heat dissipation.