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Tadweer opens expanded medical and hazardous waste incinerator in Al Ain


Abu Dhabi Waste Management Center (Tadweer) has announced the opening of its expanded medical and hazardous waste incinerator in Al Ain

With a capacity to treat nearly 12 tonnes per day of medical and hazardous waste (500 kg per hour), the facility will help Tadweer achieve its strategic goal of improving the efficiency of the integrated waste management sector in Abu Dhabi as outlined by Abu Dhabi Environment Vision 2030.

Operated in collaboration with Cleanco Waste Treatment, the incinerator uses the latest international practices in the collection and treatment of different types of medical and hazardous wastes generated by hospitals, clinics, healthcare centres, pharmacies, educational institutions, government facilities, and commercial entities in the city of Al Ain.

This allows the producers of medical waste in Abu Dhabi to comply with the relevant rules and regulations concerning the treatment of medical and hazardous wastes through a close partnership between the public and private sectors.

Furthermore, Tadweer has put in place an electronic waste tracking system to ensure the highest international safety standards in waste collection and transportation. This supports Tadweer’s strategic objective of building a sustainable and integrated waste management system that preserves Abu Dhabi’s environment for the current and future generations through leveraging the latest technologies and industry practices.

The incinerator burns hazardous wastes at temperatures of up to 1200⁰Celsius to meet the environmental regulations of the UAE regarding the emission of gases resulting from incineration, ensuring that the emission levels do not exceed the standards set by the European Union.

The incineration process results in the production of 5% per tonne of ashes, which is disposed of in a sustainable and environmentally safe manner to a dedicated sanitary landfill in the city of Al Ain. This facility operates in coordination with Tadweer’s strategic partners including Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi (EAD), Abu Dhabi Health Services Company (SEHA), and Department of Municipalities and Transport (DMT), while protecting the interests of waste producers and sparing them from additional burdens.

The expansion of the facility was mandated by the growing demand for hazardous waste treatment in Al Ain at competitive prices due to the continued growth of the healthcare and industrial sectors that led to a surge in the production of medical and hazardous waste in the city.

Salem Al Kaabi, director-general of Tadweer, said, “Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic began, Tadweer has taken stringent measures to ensure the highest health and safety standards in the treatment of medical waste. This is because such wastes require careful handling especially in the wake of the pandemic that led to an increase in the generation of medical waste by healthcare facilities in the emirate.”

“At Tadweer, we spare no effort in creating a healthy environment for the community as part of our continued commitment to elevating the status of Abu Dhabi as one of the best capital cities in the world. As the treatment of medical and hazardous waste demands a different approach, we closely work with our partners to ensure its safe treatment in line with the directives of our wise leadership and the strategic objectives of Abu Dhabi Environment Vision 2030,” Al Kaabi added.