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VIN Technology’s ReAir set to provide fresh air


Bahrain-based VIN Technology Systems WLL has announced signing a joint venture with an Italian company “ReAir” for the know-how and technology transfer to manufacture Photocatalytic materials and to distribute it to all the GCC and the neighbouring Arab region

The product, according to the company, uses a breakthrough environment-friendly technology capable of cleaning various surfaces including glass as well as air.

“ReAir” uses an active ingredient (titanium dioxide) which uses the energy from natural sunlight/ bulbs (UVA) to safely break down organic grime, odours, and pollutants. In the presence of UVA light, the surface treated with VIN-ReAir keeps itself cleaner, resists fogging, and improves the air quality inside the cabin. One application reduces pet odours, smoke odours, food odours, and harmful VOCs for 2-4 months,” the statement said.

Commenting on the launch, ReAir -General Manager said studies have confirmed that indoor air is more polluted than the outdoor air and unfortunately the problem of indoor pollution is still unknown to most of the people. “Our product is a revolution and does wonders by converting Organic and inorganic harmful VOCs. It’s proven in laboratories, real application in millions of square meters in buildings of Hospitals, hotels, schools, public transports etc.”

Cherian Varghese, co-founder and CEO of VIN Technology, said that he is amazed at its 360-degree possibilities for keeping any type of surface clean, fresh and moreover it eliminates odour. “Ten sq m of surface treated with VIN-REair is able of transform and purify 500 cu/m of air every hour, in practice, an effect of equal to that of three medium grown trees.”