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Three startups win in5 contest to boost Dubai’s next-gen COVID-19 response


in5 has announced three winners in its competition challenging entrepreneurs and startups to create an innovative product or service to boost the UAE’s response to COVID-19 using next-generation technology, media or design

Robomask, CoviBot Pro and Vision Health, which are based in Dubai, came out on top. With in5, a business incubator and enabling platform launched by TECOM Group in 2013, the trio have won a year’s free membership.

This includes 30 days of unlimited use of prototyping laboratories, 3D printers and facilities at in5. The membership and access to the facilities is worth more than US$ 34031 (AED 125,000).

Membership includes access to exclusive workshops and talks, one-on-one consultation and mentoring sessions with global experts, opportunities to network with entrepreneurs and investors.

The winning team from Robomask – co-founders Mohamed Ishag Hassan and Mohammed Saqeeb Mandlik – proposed a sustainable and technologically-superior facemask that purifies the air with tiny ultraviolet light LEDs. Designed with soft textures to provide a comfortable wearing experience, its durability will combat the growing build-up of non-biodegradable PPE waste and provides greater health and safety benefits.

To help retailers, restaurants, businesses and commercial establishments implement effective thermal screening, hand sanitisation and capacity control, Paul Anand created CoviBot Pro. The autonomous vending machine dispenses sanitiser, surgical gloves and masks within 20 seconds, simultaneously scanning the body temperature of every person walking into a school, coffeeshop, gym or any other public space.

Najia Maqsood created Vision Health, an app to bridge the gap between different generations by matching young and old people together to encourage COVID-19 volunteering initiatives that address feelings of social isolation.

All three startups now have an opportunity to take their concept to the next level through their membership with in5.

The winners were selected by a three-person panel of startup experts who, between them, boast decades of experience supporting and enabling Dubai’s entrepreneurial ecosystem.