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Summer best for assessing workplace safety challenges


US-based manufacturer Brady Corporation has said summer is the best time to assess safety challenges in the workplace

With many workers choosing this time of year to leave on holiday to escape the heat, Brady said this was the perfect time to conduct a critical safety assessment and take concrete action to tackle any issues which are identified in the facility.

Optimising safety in the workplace not only improves workforce morale by demonstrating a company’s desire to care for the wellbeing of its employees, it also helps to ensure maximum efficiency by minimising interruptions to production and other unnecessary costs caused by accidents.

Brady specialises in the manufacture of safety signage, pipe marking, accurate chemicals labelling and other visuals, all of which can contribute to improving the safety environment, the company said.

The corporation has also created a pocketbook– ‘50 Lean Visuals For Improving Productivity and Safety’ – providing guidance to companies by highlighting 50 methods to effectively utilise visuals throughout industrial facilities.