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SPOT satellite device reaches 5,000 rescues worldwide


Globalstar Europe Satellite Services announced that its SPOT family of products has surpassed the milestone of initiating 5,000 rescues since its launch in 2007

These rescues has taken place on six continents and in over 89 countries.  

SPOT delivers affordable location-based messaging and a lifesaving S.O.S. service to hundreds of thousands of users worldwide. It has been used in 255 rescues in Europe, Middle East and Africa since 2007. SPOT customers are currently initiating nearly two rescues a day. SPOT excludes test messages, false alarms, lost or stolen units and duplicate messages from rescue count.

Recent rescue Connor Gallagher was solo hiking in Colorado at an elevation of 3,300 meters and activated the S.O.S. button on his SPOT Gen3 device when he began to see the early signs of hypothermia. “Without the SPOT Gen3, I’m not sure if I would be here today and I am extremely thankful for the West Elk Mountain Rescue team that helped me,” said Connor Gallagher. “I highly recommend SPOT to anyone who is planning to head out on a long trail. I am forever thankful for the little orange block that saved my life.”

“For nearly a decade, we have dedicated ourselves to offering affordable, lifesaving technology that people can rely on,” said Jay Monroe, chief executive officer of Globalstar. “We are proud that SPOT has been universally accepted as the leader in satellite messaging and that we have been able to provide peace of mind to families, co-workers and loved ones worldwide. This 5,000 rescue milestone is a result of the hard work put in by the entire team at Globalstar, our partners at GEOS and the search and rescue community.”