
Safer vehicle maintenance with Brady BatteryBlock


Brady Corporation presents the BatteryBlock Power Connector Lockout, which is easy to use and is applicable on a wide range of industrial vehicles

Brady said the lockout device is a great addition to one’s maintenance safety tool kit.

Safer maintenance

The BatteryBlock Lockout device neutralises the vehicle power supply by blocking connections between a vehicle and its battery. Professionals can lock it in place with up to two lockout padlocks during vehicle maintenance.

Non-conductive pins help the device to stay tightly in place during longer maintenance projects and off-shift periods. With the padlock keys in the hands of maintenance workers or a manager, accidents with prematurely powered up vehicles can be avoided.

150841 app06 lowresFits many vehicles

The BatteryBlock Power Connector Lockout can be used to neutralise the energy flow of all vehicles powered by a battery with 175A or 350A connectors. The device can effectively neutralise most forklifts, stackers, scissor lifts, pallet jacks and powered carts. The lockout device has been designed as one piece to limit the loss of parts and further increase its usability.

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