
Imdaad launches workplace Quality Practice scheme


UAE-based facilities management (FM) solutions provider Imdaad has launched a ‘Quality Practice’ initiative for its employees

Working in cooperation with the Environment, Health, Safety and Quality (EHSQ) department, the company announced that it had adopted the scheme in order to engage and encourage employees to improve the quality of their work, reduce complaint rates and non-conformances.

Imdaad CEO Jamal Abdulla Lootah remarked, “We are confident that our efforts will not only benefit our employees and work processes, but also our clients and their properties.”

Lootah added that the progress of the initiative would be monitored via daily quality inspection, internal and external audits, standard operation procedure and a Quality Management System.

According to Imdaad, the first step in successfully implementing Quality Practice in the workplace is ‘DRIFT: Do It Right The First Time’. As part of the scheme, employees from each department will be nominated to form the Imdaad Quality Group, before undertaking substantial training, covering topics such as ‘Quality Management System’, ‘Control of Documents and Records’, and ‘Auditor and Auditee Roles’.