
IMCA updates shipyard safety guidance


The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) said it has updated its guidance on safety in shipyards

The document provides vessel owners and operators guidance on preparing contracts and procedures for vessel dry-docking or extended maintenance periods alongside in a shipyard.

“It is important to establish a safe working environment for all personnel working on and transiting the quayside area and/or the bottom of the dry dock – both of which should be considered as an extension of the vessel," Nick Hough, IMCA technical adviser, HSSE, Offshore Survey and ROV, said.

“Spatial awareness is important for crew members working in these places. Although it may be difficult for the vessel operator to influence control over traffic operating throughout the shipyard, reasonable measures should be taken to minimise risk in the working area around the vessel. In the revised guidance we highlight a number of key hazards and list measures that could be taken to minimise risk,” Hough added.

The guidance was first published in 2013 and the revised version includes traffic management in shipyards.

The IMCA represents offshore marine contractors and the associated supply chain in more than 60 countries.