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Delivering tepid water in hot climates without the need for power


The award-winning Hughes Zero Power Cooler® is a maintenance-free cooling system for emergency tank showers

EN15154 and ANSI Z358.1-2014 standards state that water delivered by a safety shower should be tepid. In extreme hot climates, solar radiation can heat water within the tank to dangerous levels. 

The Zero Power Cooler, designed and developed in collaboration with Celantel, is designed to ensure the delivery of tepid water, as per ANSI Z358.12014 guidelines, even in the most challenging environments. The system works in two phases, whereby the night time ambient temperature is used to maintain the daytime temperature of the water, ensuring the delivery of safe and tepid water.  

The Hughes Zero Power Cooler is perfect for remote locations, as no power or electricity is required. No moving parts means expensive service options are a thing of the past, while the innovative sealed system allows you to simply fit and forget.  

An emergency tank shower fitted with the zero-power cooling system was installed and tested at an oil and gas operator’s site in Khurais, Saudi Arabia. The unit was exposed to ambient daytime temperatures exceeding 50oC.  The shower was situated in an area exposed to sunlight from all sides, all day, without any shade. No power was supplied to the unit and there was no water connection to the tank shower. 1,500 litres of water was supplied to the tank shower via a hose. The supplied water temperature exceeded 41oC from the site’s water main. After just 16 hours, the water temperature inside the tank was at a safe enough level to be used. The insulation of the tank combined with the cooling  system maintains water at temperatures below the required limits of ANSI standards.  

Visit and try our carbon calculator tool to determine your carbon savings based on retrofitting the Zero Power Cooling System versus traditional chillers.