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Crowcon launches ‘intelligent’ fixed-point gas detector


The next generation of intelligent gas detectors and transmitters has been launched by Crowcon Detection Instruments Limited, a UK-based manufacturer of specialist gas detection equipment

Launched under the brand name XgardIQ, the product is an intelligent and versatile gas detector and transmitter compatible with Crowcon’s full range of sensor technologies and is available fitted with a variety of flammable, toxic or oxygen gas sensors. It can also be installed with a remote sensor located up to 15 m away from the transmitter.

XgardIQ offers features to minimise the time that operators must spend in the hazardous areas to perform routine maintenance. Sensor modules can be ‘hot-swapped’ simply and quickly without a hot-work permit, either for replacement with a new pre-calibrated replacement module or for temporary removal to a safe area for calibration. Users also have the option to perform a quick and simple bump test rather than full calibration to verify that sensors are fully operational.

XgardIQ utilises buttons instead of magnets for adjustments to simplify the calibration process. It also uses an OLED display rather than the conventional LCD displays, enabling users to check the status from a distance. The sensor automatically alerts operators to any irregular events such as the ambient temperature or gas concentration exceeding sensor limits that may harm the sensor. In another intelligent move, the transmitter automatically configures to the correct gas-type, scale and alarm levels when a sensor module is inserted.

Andy Avenell, senior business development manager at Crowcon, said while explaining the product development, “We spend a significant amount of time talking to engineers and operators in oil and gas facilities, petrochemical and chemical plants and other high risk areas. The experiences and insight gained from such sites has been instrumental in the specification development of XgardIQ.”