
Collaborative lighting system to help diver safety in remote subsea locations


A new on-demand wireless ribbon lighting system, designed to revolutionise diver safety and efficiency in remote subsea locations has been launched following a collaboration between award-winning Scottish technology companies WFS Technologies Ltd and PhotoSynergy Ltd (PSL)

Seatooth LIGHTPATH is a combination of WFS’s Seatooth, a subsea wireless communication system that can log information gathered on subsea installations remotely, and PhotoSynergy Ltd’s LIGHTPATH, a side-emitting flexible fibre that projects a continuous line of light that carries no electrical power.

The new product works for both diver and ROV operators working either near the surface or at depths of up to 3,000 metres. The light is engaged automatically when the diver or the ROV comes within five metres of a structure, and provides instant illumination of subsea architecture and delineating features such as control valves, docking bays and even the outline of the structure itself against the natural darkness of the underwater environment.

It switches off automatically when the diver or the ROV departs the scene, and has the ability to act as a proximity warning system when approaching installations, other divers, ROVs or danger areas.

The unit has been successfully tested in the lab, and will be trialled in subsea conditions in early 2017.

PhotoSynergy Ltd director Don Walker said, “Combining Seatooth technology with the LIGHTPATH product increases the capability of LIGHTPATH. This is most significant in terms of battery utilisation where LIGHTPATH is only illuminated as required operating either in a flashing or continuous operation.

“By integrating the two products, we have produced a much more convenient and efficient method for lighting a challenging environment with no physical contact required from a distance of five metres. The subsea environment is an intrinsically dangerous place where it is easy to become disoriented, so the Seatooth LIGHTPATH is a very significant development in safety.”