Successful summer 2023 gas station safety campaign


The Joint Committee for Security and Safety, represented by the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure; the General Command of Civil Defence at the Ministry of Interior; and its strategic partners, have announced impressive results for the first month of their joint national campaign aimed at enhancing security and safety at gas stations during summer 2023

Within just the first month, the campaign effectively educated more than 100,000 daily visitors, including drivers and gas station patrons, about safety protocols at stations. 

The collaborative campaign, launched in partnership with ADNOC, Emarat, and ENOC, reported full adherence by petrol station users to the provided safety guidelines. These include slowing down to 20 km/h when entering stations, only leaving vehicles under extreme circumstances, avoiding smoking, ensuring engines are off, and checking that fuel tanks are sealed properly.

HE Eng. Sharif Al Olama, undersecretary of the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure for Energy and Petroleum Affairs, said, "The exceptional results achieved is a testament to the pioneering spirit of the Joint Committee our unwavering commitment to align with our wise leadership's vision. Our goal is clear: to establish the UAE as a beacon of safety and security on the global stage. This campaign, backed by the Ministry of Energy, reflects our dedication to fostering security, enhancing the quality of life for our community, and championing the nation's progressive journey towards sustainable development."

For his part, major general Jassim Mohammed Al Marzouqi, commander-in-chief of the Civil Defense at the Ministry of Interior, said, "The joint national awareness campaign for gas station security and safety continues to make significant strides in both awareness and execution. This is a testament to our collective national endeavours and the cohesive collaboration among all strategic partners. Our ultimate aim is to promote safety standards and cultivate a heightened sense of security and safety awareness among gas station users, ensuring the safeguarding of both lives and property.

Al Marzouqi highlighted that the Civil Defence prioritises safety at gas stations as a core component of its awareness initiatives. Operating under the oversight of the Ministry of Interior, it ardently supports the campaign, ensuring it meets its objectives of amplifying security, safety, and protection measures.

The campaign, running until 25 September 2023, represents an innovative approach to excellence and foresight in mitigating risks associated with improper fueling practices. It underscores the principles of proactive safety awareness by highlighting the right procedures and behaviours at service stations, particularly during the fueling process.