
Sodexo, Leanpath partner to introduce AI-driven food waste prevention platform


Sodexo Middle East has partnered with Leanpath, food waste prevention pioneers, to introduce a food waste prevention programme called WasteWatch powered by Leanpath (WWxLP)

Sodexo Middle East will officially launch the innovative platform across 41 sites in the healthcare, corporate, energy and resources and defence sectors in Q3 2021.

Sodexo’s ‘Better Tomorrow 2025’ initiative includes eliminating waste to landfills and a 50% reduction in food waste. To achieve these objectives, Sodexo has launched the environment-friendly platform which is driven by AI algorithms that provide automated food waste data collections by measuring daily pre-consumer and post-consumer food waste by analysing metrics such as weight, quantity, and food type.

The WWxLP collates data on food waste, identifying wastage areas, and shares operational and behavioural changes required to eliminate waste. The AI platform further enhances organisations’ food waste reduction objectives by using smart data to set waste reduction goals, which can be easily implemented within the operational processes and shares in-depth real-time insights on the financial and environmental impact created by the food wastage

Rachid Noujeim, CEO of Sodexo Middle East, said, “Sustainability has always been at the core of Sodexo’s values. Being a company that offers ‘Quality of Life’ services, we believe that a healthy climate and environment are of the utmost importance to the quality of life and human prosperity over the long term. I am confident WWxLP will support us reduce food wastage substantially and contribute to a healthier environment in line with the UAE’s sustainable development goals 2030.”