
Kiilto: A safe workplace is the sum of many successes


The number of safety findings at Kiilto has shown a significant impact on accident prevention

Active measures for wellbeing at work support business and are therefore a vital part of good management. At Kiilto wellbeing is built in cooperation with different operations. For example, human resources, superiors, occupational safety and health organisations, representatives of different staff groups and occupational health have all important roles.

Kiito’s occupational wellbeing programme consists of management, competence, operational capability and health, work community, work environment and workplace exercise. The goal of planned and long-term occupational wellbeing activities is to ensure motivated, competent and productive personnel. 

Zero accidents 

This spring Kiilto achieved the highest classification in occupational safety, Level I – at the world’s forefront, by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health. The Zero Accident Forum granted annual safety level classifications to its member workplaces. 

“Our safety level was excellent in 2020. We did not have any accidents that would have required absence from work. The year was very exceptional due to the pandemic, and required everyone to embrace new things, making the achievement even more valuable. One important factor influencing the result was the record number of quality, environmental and safety observations. The findings have enabled us to improve the work environment and prevent possible accidents,” said Kiilto’s HSEQ Manager Jyrki Tiihonen over the achievement.  

Tiina Niemi, an executive assistant at Kiilto, is responsible for the practical implementation of personnel sports operations. She knows that it's possible to always develop and renew. To activate people in taking care of their wellbeing, they must be offered innovative, inspiring and versatile activities. Kiilto has succeeded in this: it has been rewarded twice as the most active workplace in Finland.   

“Over the years, through determined work promoting the wellbeing at work and physical activities at Kiilto, we have been able to create a sports-friendly and active atmosphere in our company. We’re constantly receiving good feedback from Kiiltonians for inspiring them on wellbeing matters, and we also hope to encourage new Kiiltonians to join our activities,” Niemi noted.