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Finland showcases health security solutions and digital innovations at Arab Health


A delegation of Finnish healthcare companies is showcasing digital health innovations in collaboration with Business Finland at this year’s edition of Arab Health

Finland takes a holistic view of ensuring healthcare security, a concept which encompasses activities and measures that mitigate public health incidents to safeguard the health of populations and minimises the danger and impact of public health events. Private Finnish companies are presenting solutions that have had a significant impact in the prevention and treatment of the pandemic and other health emergencies.

Finland’s agile digital health industry and robust research platforms have enabled Finland to proactively develop and improve pioneering solutions that have contributed to the international fight against COVID-19. As a leading country in sanitation and infection control, many of Finland’s private sector companies provided alternative hygiene solutions prior to COVID-19. For example, Genano’s air decontamination technology protects against the transmission of airborne microbes and offers 99.99% efficacy against COVID-19. Genano’s units were deployed in the first isolation hospitals in Wuhan, China.

Kari Klossner, programme director of Smart Life Finland at Business Finland, explained, “The last two years have been a time of rapid international growth for Finland’s healthcare sector, and it has been commended for the speed with which companies were able to respond to the global COVID-19 pandemic. This year, we are proud to present a strong lineup of cutting-edge companies, many of which focus on vital areas of industry importance such as infection control, healthcare infrastructure, neuroscience and advanced technologies. Arab Health provides a unique platform for Finnish companies to strengthen their presence in the MENA region and beyond.

“A significant driver in Finland’s success within the healthcare sector over the past two decades has been the support for public-private partnerships. All key stakeholders across education, research and technology actively encourage collaboration and knowledge exchange as a way to ensure the country is well-prepared for current and future healthcare issues.”

Visitors can meet with the participating companies and explore healthcare solutions from Finland at Arab Health, at stand G30 in Hall H7.