
Abu Dhabi Ports recognises best practices in health, safety and environment


Abu Dhabi Ports has launched the first edition of its NEESHAN Awards to recognise the contributions of departments, individuals and customers in promoting best practices for health, safety and environment (HSE) in the workplace

Abdulla Humaid Al Hameli, executive vice-president for corporate support at Abu Dhabi Ports, commented, “The UAE’s leadership has provided us with unwavering support to adopt the best Health, Safety and Environmental standards and practices to ensure a safe working environment for all.”

The NEESHAN awards, held during the same month as World Day for Safety and Health at Work, are aimed at nurturing a culture that understands and prioritises health, safety and environment performance as well as encouraging continuous improvement and development in the field.

During the ceremony, Abu Dhabi Ports honoured its strategic partners, including Abu Dhabi Police, the Department of Transport, the Federal Transport Authority and Tadweer - The Centre of Waste Management- Abu Dhabi, Emirates Global Aluminum, National Marine Dredging Company, Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company, National Search and Rescue Center, National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Authority, Abu Dhabi Civil Defence, Critical Infrastructure & Coastal Protection Authority and Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation (FANR) - Abu Dhabi, for their role in enhancing the company’s overall HSE performance.

Winners and awardees received certificates of appreciation and honorary plaques.