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Eksen introduces new sound insulation solution

Fire Safety

Eksen, the technical foams specialist, has introduced its Procell flame-proof acoustical foam to customers in the Middle East

The noise insulation material is used in power generator enclosures and offers full coverage of the inner surfaces of a genset enclosure and meets all fire protection requirements.

The material is easy-to-install and is available as sheets or in die-cut parts, as well as ready-to-use kits. Eksen said that Procell would offer “a great advantage” through the use of customised foam parts, avoiding any additional cuttings or shaping during application, leading to zero wastage, better finishing, and improved insulation and impermeability.

Procell meets fire protection requirements by utilising a flameproof material that offers the slowest combustibility and ensures a low release of heat and smoke. The insulation can be used across a broad range of applications, including interior acoustical decorations, machinery applications and HVAC facilities.