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Design to Protect

Fire Safety

Dr. Pascal Le Gal wants to change the way you think about safety and risk assessment.

“By employing advanced computational fluid dynamic simulation techniques and using the correct methodology, you can reduce the impact of a potential loss of containment.”

Dr Pascal Le Gal is responsible for Gexcon’s software business in the Middle East and truly believes in the power of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) applied to process safety and design. FLACS from Gexcon makes use of CFD, which represents the current state-of-the-art in quantitative consequence and risk modelling. FLACS has also been used to help with accident investigations and optimisation of safety measures for hazards that involve fluid flows, typically flammable and toxic chemicals, but also solid particles and dust looking at explosion effects.

Today many companies are utilizing much simpler methods for risk assessment. This repeatedly leads to under or over predicting the consequences from process hazards. You ultimately end up either overspending or underspending on mitigation measures. In some cases the assessment can be a hurdle to the realisation of a project, but Dr Le Gal is convinced that such decisions should be based on the best approach currently available.

“In my opinion, the use of less accurate methods need to be discouraged as the results are calculated based on empirical correlations and extrapolations derived from a limited number of small controlled experiments”, says Dr Le Gal.

“The historical use of simpler methods, which provide a ‘quick number’ has not evolved and ignores the 3D geometry. By conducting advanced simulations that account for the physical objects, more accurate and realistic predictions can be obtained and help operators make informed decisions about how to protect their people and assets”.

Aim for Accuracy
FLACS provides 3D advanced simulation and realistic release scenario modelling: A must-have to predict accurately the risks associated with oil and gas operation. FLACS can definitely help facilitate the understanding of those risks and increase knowledge throughout organisations in a visual and easy-to-grasp manner.

Gexcon Software opened for business in the Middle East late last year. This gives their customers in the region and beyond better access to software training and support.

Gexcon is a global expert company in explosions, dispersion and fire modelling for technical safety. They now provide both software sales and consulting services in the Middle East region.