Apollo Fire Detectors highlights ways to prevent false alarm incidents

Improper configuration of fire systems can also contribute to false alarms. (Image source: Apollo)

Fire Safety

The company dives into the factors that lead to false alarms, their environmental factors and the best ways to mitigate them.

False alarms within fire systems can present numerous challenges, ranging from undue disruption and anxiety to the misallocation of emergency services resources. A significant incidence of false alarms may also foster complacency, potentially leading to delayed responses during actual emergencies. Hence, the ability to reject false alarms is pivotal for the efficiency of a fire system.

Various factors can contribute to false alarms within fire systems. These factors encompass environmental influences, system configuration and maintenance challenges, as well as human errors. A comprehensive comprehension of these factors aids in devising tactics to mitigate false alarms.

Environmental factors

Environmental factors such as dust, humidity, and temperature fluctuations can cause false alarms in fire systems. For example, smoke detectors may be triggered by dust particles, while heat detectors may be affected by sudden changes in temperature. In some cases, environmental factors can also interfere with the proper functioning of the detectors, increasing the likelihood of false alarms.

System configuration and maintenance issues

Improper configuration of fire systems can also contribute to false alarms. For example, installing detectors in areas with high airflow or near cooking appliances may lead to false alarms. Additionally, inadequate maintenance of fire systems, such as failing to test, maintain, and replace detectors, can result in reduced performance and an increased likelihood of false alarms.

Human error

Human error is another factor that can contribute to false alarms. This can include accidental activation of manual call points or misuse of fire detection equipment. In some cases, lack of proper training or awareness about fire safety protocols can also lead to false alarms. The Soteria Tri-Sensor Detector is now available, with its standout modes, which employ a double knock effect within the detector. This means that before triggering an alarm signal to the panel, at least two sensors within the Tri-Sensor must register the presence of smoke or fire, significantly reducing the occurrence of false alarms. This feature is particularly crucial in environments like student accommodations and open-plan apartments, where false alarms, often triggered by cooking activities, can lead to unnecessary disruptions and safety concerns.