
AkzoNobel launches reduced-weight Chartek fire protection

Fire Safety

AkzoNobel has launched a new lightweight Chartek passive fire protection product aimed at the offshore oil and gas industry

Chartek 8E is the first step in the company’s development of a range of new passive fire protection products.

“Applied weight is a key concern for our customers, so we developed a lightweight solution while meeting benchmark performance requirements,” said Ian Fletcher, oil and gas segment manager at AkzoNobel’s protective coatings business.

Chartek 8E provides an hour of resistance to hydrocarbon pool fires without the use of mesh, while the 60-minute resistance to jet fires can also be achieved through the use of mesh reinforcement, claims the company.

“An intensive R&D programme has enabled us to optimise char expansion technology with and without mesh reinforcement during jet and pool fire exposure,” Fletcher said. “This means we can offer our customers the full choice of passive fire protection, whatever their needs.”