
DuPont announces global portfolio of Kevlar engineered yarns for hand protection


Hand injuries continue to present a significant risk to workers across industries and so selecting the appropriate protection for the task while ensuring the hand or arm protection is comfortable to wear is key to enabling safety compliance in the workplace

Through the development of personal protective equipment solutions made with Kevlar engineered yarns, it is now possible to address multiple levels of protection without compromising on comfort and dexterity.

Kevlar engineered yarns can provide industry leading multi-hazard protection against cut, heat, flame, and electric arc hazards. This versatility is key to providing hand and arm protection which can be used across a range job tasks and industries. 

The use of Kevlar engineered yarns enables manufacturers to increase the level of protection without significantly increasing weight and thickness. The materials are also designed to help deliver enhanced breathability and moisture management. These characteristics can contribute to greater comfort and dexterity across a variety of industries, from automotive to manufacturing and utilities.

“We are excited to launch this new line of innovative and multi-hazard Kevlar engineered yarns. It provides our Kevlar licensee partners access to a portfolio that includes a range of protection benefits, as well as affordability levels”, said Joel DeNardis, global marketing leader for Kevlar Industrials. “Our mission is to provide innovative technology and protection solutions. Every day, we strive to deliver the hand and arm protection workers need so they can do their job comfortably and safely, enabling them to go home to their friends, families, and loved ones in the same way they came to work.”

To address specific needs across industries, the Kevlar engineered yarns portfolio delivers next-generation performance across three new brands: Kevlar Xtreme, Kevlar Comfort, and Kevlar Essential yarns. 

Kevlar Xtreme is for workers facing the most high-risk hazards, and helps deliver unmatched multi-hazard protection against cut, heat, flame and arc flash hazards.

Kevlar Comfort engineered yarns help provide the best comfort, soft touch and dexterity without sacrificing cut and heat protection.

Kevlar Essential engineered yarns help provide reliable and affordable cut and heat protection with superior breathability for use in lighter duty applications.

DuPont Kevlar fiber, with its lightweight, durable, and extraordinary strength, is used to make a variety of PPE solutions that provide both mechanical and thermal resistance. For over 50 years, DuPont has continuously taken on new challenges, with technical staff driving innovation and working on a range of new opportunities through collaborations with communities, industrial manufacturers and governments.