
DESC highlights latest developments and practices at GISEC


Dubai Electronic Security Center (DESC), highlighted the latest developments and practices in cybersecurity as well as initiatives aimed at making Dubai’s cyberspace the safest in the world at GISEC 2019

DESC exhibited an interactive password screen designed to discover how secure individuals are online by testing the strength of their passwords. Visitors also received tips to improve their password strength to enhance their online security.

Amer Sharaf, director of compliance, support and alliances at DESC, said, “These days the volume of cyber attacks are getting more sophisticated and disruptive as they pose a great risk to the growth of the digital economy and smart infrastructures.”

“Each year at GISEC, we outline the latest cybersecurity practices correlating these with emerging technologies, to scale up safety and, in turn, establish a trust to our cyberspace. Our main priority is to protect Dubai digitally against cyber threats by securing their privacy and data, and safeguard Dubai’s digital wealth,” he added.

“DESC is perpetually working to implement the Dubai cybersecurity strategy. As Dubai is moving deeper into its digital transformation, we aim to create a society that is highly aware of risks and able to stay vigilant against cyber-attacks,” he stated.

Marwan Al Zarouni, director of information services at DESC, and a member of GISEC’s advisory board addressed attendees of GISEC main conference with an opening keynote on the first day of the event.