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Tristar joins the Middle East Gases Association (MEGA) to help promote safety and environmental care


Tristar Group, the integrated logistics services provider, has announced its membership of the Middle East Gases Association (MEGA) of which it will be the very first category four-member

The logistics services provider will actively participate in three of MEGA’s working groups, namely, transport, safety and environment.

Through its membership of MEGA, a safety and technically oriented non-profit organisation, Tristar claims that it demonstrates its commitment to achieving the highest levels of safety and environmental care in the handling of industrial gases.

Eugene Mayne, founder and Group CEO of Tristar, said, “We are delighted to have been admitted as a member of MEGA, and we look forward to collaborating with other businesses in the industry to improve technical standards and safety practices. We are committed to managing our business to the highest health, safety, environmental and compliance standards and relish the opportunity to work with other knowledgeable businesses in this space.”

MEGA, which is headquartered in Dubai, was established in 2010 to foster the exchange of technical information in the handling of industrial gases through the development of documents with industry experts. It liaises closely with national authorities in the region to assist with the preparation of laws and regulations via expert advice on production, transport, storage and applications of industrial, medical and food gases.

Roger Sayah, MEGA’s general secretary, commented, “We welcome Tristar’s membership of the group and anticipate that its expertise will be a valuable contribution to MEGA’s Working Group discussions.”

MEGA also aims to promote consistency and harmonisation of safety, health, environmental and technical standards throughout the industrial gases industry in the region.