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Tadweer produces more than one million tons of recycled waste products


Abu Dhabi Waste Management Centre (Tadweer) has announced that it has produced more than one millions tons of products recycled from waste materials collected in Abu Dhabi during the first half of 2022

This production is in line with Abu Dhabi’s strategy to promote sound waste management and recycling, and its aim to convert waste into environment-friendly products that contribute to the local economy.

During H1 2022, Tadweer successfully produced approximately 14,000 tons of fertiliser, including plant, animal, mixed, and poultry manure, resulting from recycling green and animal waste. In addition, more than one million tons of various sized gravel was produced by recycling demolition and construction waste, and a further 26,000 tons of rubber products were produced from recycled tires. This is all part of the Centre’s strategy to achieve sustainability.

Director of Products and Facilities at Tadweer, Abdul Mohsin Al Katheeri, said, “Since its establishment, the Centre has adopted a comprehensive approach to achieving environmental sustainability by developing an integrated plan for waste management and recycling. This commitment is supported by many programmes and initiatives that aim to deal with all types of waste, reduce its amount, reuse it, and encourage the community and organisations to use recycled materials, while taking advantage of the capabilities and advantages that Abu Dhabi enjoys that make it a thriving hub for innovative sustainability solutions.”

As part of its commitment to waste management, Tadweer provides collection and transportation services for waste of various shapes and sizes throughout Abu Dhabi. This includes residential, commercial and industrial areas, roads and streets, parks, mosques, government departments, health and education centres, construction sites, slaughterhouses, public markets, farms and estates, with the waste being transported to specialised facilities for processing and recycling.

Tadweer recycled products that amounted to 23% of the total waste collected at the specialised facilities during the first half of the year.