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Smart Dubai upgrades ‘Smart Inventory’ application


In collaboration with the Dubai Health Authority (DHA), Smart Dubai has upgraded its ‘Smart Inventory; project to improve the current inventory management system and make it paperless and more efficient, using advanced technologies and smart solutions to save time

The Smart Inventory application is part of the government resource planning systems (GRPS), which aims to manage the stock of medicines in Dubai and prevent any shortages.

The app enables users to process warehousing transactions and track the medicines supply chain from anywhere using a smartphone, tablet, or portable device. This, in turn, facilitates real-time access to inventory for government entities in Dubai.

Wesam Lootah, CEO of the Smart Dubai Government Establishment, asserted Smart Dubai’s commitment to developing effective tools that improve quality of life for people, all the while enhancing government performance in every sector. The ultimate objective is to drive Dubai’s transformation into the world’s smartest and happiest city.

The advanced features of the Smart Inventory enable health authorities to receive, inspect and deliver medicines for each purchase order, in addition to tracking those products and facilitating internal shipments. The application will help cut paper consumption by 1.2mn sheets each year, reducing transaction time by 30 per cent for all medicines supply operations.

Dr Ali Al Sayed, director of the pharmaceutical services department at the Dubai Health Authority (DHA), said that this step represents an important addition to DHA’s pharmaceutical services, which are based on the best programmes, applications and smart solutions for storing and dispensing medication through the smart pharmacies that DHA established in its hospitals three years ago.

He stressed that the DHA does not spare any effort to continually update the storage and dispensing systems of medicines to ensure that they reach people safely and easily. He pointed out that distributing medication now does not exceed two minutes with the launch of the smart pharmacies.

Dr Al Sayed said the fruitful cooperation between the authority and Smart Dubai has helped to achieve the goals of the authority to eliminate paper transactions, particularly when it comes to pharmaceutical services.