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Shycocan Corporation launches world’s first virus attenuation device


Shycocan Corporation has launched Shycocan, a one-of-its-kind virus attenuation device developed by well-known Indian scientist and inventor Dr Rajah Vijay Kumar, at the International Conference of Pharmacy & Medicine (ICPM) held at Sharjah Research Technology and Innovation Park

The cylindrical device, Shycocan is scientifically evidenced to neutralise and help curb the spread of the virus in the pandemic and the Influenza family of viruses in indoor spaces with 99.9% efficacy, enabling schools, colleges, homes and businesses like hospitals, hotels, offices, restaurants, auditoriums, transportation, retail, and airports get back to normal and serve the customers in a safe environment.

Shycocan also works on all current and future variants and mutants of these viruses, protecting people’s health and saving millions of hours of lost productivity.

Alok Sharma, CEO at Shycocan Corporation, said, “The world faced one of its’ biggest challenges with the pandemic bringing us to a standstill. More livelihoods than lives have been lost, in fact, close to a billion at last count. And Science, Technology and Innovation are going to play a big role in helping us reclaim our lives and work safely. We are delighted to launch the pathbreaking one of a kind virus attenuation device, the Shycocan, in the hope of doing just that. Helping people bring lives and businesses back to normal. And we couldn’t have found a more credible and relevant platform than the prestigious ICPM to showcase our cutting-edge technology.”

Distributed in the UAE for consumers and business customers by M/s Redington Middle East LLC and M/S Ibn Batuta Medicine and Medical Equipment Store LLC, Shycocan is one of the most thoroughly tested devices for both safety and efficacy. It neither uses nor emits radiation, chemicals, ozone, any toxic material. It is 100% safe for humans, animals, and the environment. Additionally, it does not harm the bacterial ecosystem and microbes that thrive in the environment and are essential for our immunity.

Dr Rajah Vijay Kumar, the scientist and inventor of the Shycocan, said, “These virus outbreaks are occurring with faster intermittent frequencies. The virus strain from the pandemic is getting more infectious and deadlier with successive mutations in the last 17 years, underscoring the importance of a device like Shycocan. The biggest challenge of this virus is its infectivity or virulence. Breaking the chain of infectivity requires focused work on indoor environments because they carry the highest risk of transmission.

“In 2017, our campus in Bengaluru, India, experienced many incidents of seasonal flu, compelling me to design, build and install the device which was later christened Shycocan. A year later, the incidence of seasonal flu was almost totally absent from the campus. When the pandemic struck, the device was sent for testing and regulatory compliances to global laboratories and found to be equally effective against it. It was overwhelming to realise that we had already created the world’s first technology to fight the pandemic long before imagining the possibility of such a crisis taking the entire world in its grip.”

Shycocan has widespread usage across market segments, including hospitals, clinics, schools, higher education institutions, banking sector, manufacturing and retail outlets, hospitality sector, government offices, real estate corporations and businesses. In addition to the solution, the company offers customised consultations, a one-year replacement warranty, strong support and service network across the UAE, and a post-installation audit.

A single device when mounted has an effective coverage area of 1,000 square feet (10,000 cubic feet). Multiple devices can be installed to cover a larger indoor space. The device has seen robust demand from institutional buyers across the globe and is already in use in countries such as India, the US, Europe, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, UAE among others.