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How transformer fluids can help promote resilience


Barry Menzies, managing director, MIDEL Dielectric Fluids Global discusses the contribution transformer fluids can make to resilient businesses and societies

All around the world resilience is coming to the fore as a crucial characteristic for our businesses, cities and societies. Resilience captures the importance of both preventing and bouncing back from catastrophes. 

One often overlooked key aspect of both is the power transformer, and specifically the transformer fluid that goes into it.

Transforming resilience

Transformers are crucial. They keep the lights on, keep the production lines running, the hospitals open. When they go wrong, not only do we lose all this, but there can be significant danger. Transformer fires can be violent and deadly, especially in densely populated areas. There’s a reason why no transformer can be within two kilometres of the Taj Mahal.

So one facet of resilience is to prevent transformers going awry, and to make them less dangerous if and when they do. Here, ester fluids can help.

As an alternative dielectric fluid to mineral oils, esters have far higher flame points. So, if something does go wrong – be it an electrical fault or a terrorist bullet – they are much less likely to catch fire.

But ester fluids can also make a transformer more robust by extending asset life and making it healthier.  As a healthy person is better able to fend off illness, so a healthy transformer is better able to cope with the strain of extreme or atypical conditions. 

Bouncing back

But not all catastrophes can be avoided, and resilience is also about bouncing back. Extreme weather events, terrorist attacks or other disasters can all knock transformers out of action. This can increase both misery and loss of life in the case of humanitarian disasters, and heavily impact revenue for business ones.

Again, ester fluids can bolster resilience. It is possible to make much smaller transformers when specifying ester fluids. Some can be as small as 500 tonnes – potentially a third of standard. This can make all the difference: it can, for example, be the difference between loading onto a truck and crossing bridges and not. Some utilities have thus been able to load emergency transformers onto trailers, ready to go in case of emergency to get crucial services back online rapidly. In other words, ester fluids have enabled resilience transformers as an emergency service.

There are countless things that go into making a city, society or business resilient, and some will be more obvious than others. However, just because they lack the visibility of, say, flood barriers for example, don’t doubt that ester fluids are a great boon to resilience.