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Honeywell software helps protect highly mobile workers at work


Technology company Honeywell has announced several software solutions designed to help companies enforce COVID-19 site health and safety procedures for highly mobile workers in warehousing, logistics, health care and retail fields

The features, offered through the Honeywell Operational Intelligence asset management platform for the workplace, monitor on-site social distancing compliance, help enforce customisable device cleaning procedures and deploy software to digitally trace who has handled each device.

These features provide real-time data for employees and managers to better respond to critical factors for companies re-opening under modified conditions due to rapidly evolving guidelines on health and safety. Honeywell is currently making this expanded functionality available to customers with operational intelligence, and users of Honeywell devices can quickly deploy these features on the platform.

Kevin Dehoff, president of Honeywell’s Productivity Products business, said, “Mobile devices are a critical tool for business operations, and our enhanced software solutions are designed to help companies respond in this ever-changing environment. We are working with customers globally to deploy these solutions to their workforce.”

These new software features are a comprehensive effort to develop solutions that help important global economy sectors recover rapidly.

This expanded functionality gives employees the data they need at their fingertips to act quickly on health and safety issues, increasing worker productivity and decreasing device downtime while reducing exposure to diseases that can be spread through contact or touch. The features include:

Social Distancing Proximity Detection allows organisations to prioritise and monitor social distancing practices. The feature monitors the proximity between Honeywell devices and logs alerts, allowing frontline workers to promote social distancing and adherence to safety guidelines.

Check Out/In and Device Cleaning Management establishes processes to check out and in devices during a worker’s shift, giving employers device tracing data and alerting workers on when to clean workplace assets. The feature can also send alerts to clean other assets and areas of the worksite.

Remote Control and Remote Wipe give IT administrators the availability to quickly take control of a device in any location to investigate and fix issues remotely and digitally wipe devices to original factory settings, allowing IT professionals to maintain social distances.

Customer Counter device users shared, real-time data to employees at multiple entrances of a store to remain in-sync and count as customers enter and exit.

These new features, combined with unified communications tools like Honeywell Smart Talk, provide constant communication for device-enabled employees practicing social distancing, speeding up tasks and instantly connecting teams.