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BriefCam announces video analytics innovation for contact tracing and face mask detection


BriefCam, a video content analytics and VIDEO SYNOPSIS solutions provider, has announced new capabilities to its product portfolio with v5.6.1 of its innovative and extensible video content analytics platform

The new capabilities will help prevent COVID-19 from spreading and will support safe and responsible reopening around the globe. New features available in v5.6.1 include:

Proximity Identification: For effective contact tracing and enforcing social distancing, v5.6.1 offers the ability to forensically review video to identify individuals who were in proximity to another individual for a determined duration of time, and to combine with face recognition and appearance similarity capabilities to determine if a person has been in contact with COVID-19 infected individuals.

This enables users to quantify the proximity of people across time and location, compare across days and correlate with external data sources to ensure compliance with social distancing mandates.

Face Mask Detection: Provides the ability to search for people with or without a face mask, as well as detect and alert on face mask violations in real-time.

Occupancy Controller: Enables users to maintain building occupancy requirements by setting rules to count people as they enter and exit a premises across multiple cameras and entry and exit points. When the threshold is met, an alert can be sent to access control solutions, security staff, VMS, or any other destination. Users can understand occupancy detail over time and location through business intelligence dashboards and prove compliance.

Tomer Saar, BriefCam vice-president, said, “During this pandemic we are proud to be able to offer organisations and businesses the critical tools through our proximity identification, face mask detection and occupancy controller capabilities to help them reopen their organisations and places of businesses while protecting their employees and customers.”

BriefCam v5.6.1 will be generally available in June 2020. The company stated tat proximity identification with real-time alerting as well as face mask detection analysis and trending capabilities is planned for August 2020.