
Aqua Safety Showers offers easy safety solution to keep workers safe


Aqua Safety Showers, an independently-owned UK manufacturer of emergency safety showers and eye wash equipment, offer full range of standard and bespoke safety units to suit any requirements

With more than 50 years experience serving the water, chemical, oil and gas industries, the company provides quick and easy safety solutions to keep workers safe whether faced with extreme environmental conditions, remote locations, and lack of space or height restrictions.

Keeping workers safe

Take a look at three of the safety product must haves that can meet all worker and site safety demands. The full product range can be found at www.aqua-safety.com

1500L Self-contained tank shower with chiller

Ideal for outdoor, hot climates and fully compliant with ANSI standards, the tank shower guarantees over 15 minutes of tepid water without the need of a mains water supply. The unit is completely corrosion resistant and suitable for non-hazardous environments. Using the chiller unit guarantees and controls the water temperature between 20°C - 23°C, helping to reduce the growth of bacteria. It operates up to +55°C. All safety showers are built using stainless steel rather than galvanised steel to ensure that the asset has a fit-for-purpose long life.

Key features
• 15 minutes tepid water
• Photo-luminous pictorial signs
• Manufactured in house, in the UK
• 20°C water - day or night

Portable self-contained safety shower
MODEL: PS1 (without eye-wash) PS1-E (with eye-wash)

Ideal for mobile temporary use. With the high density polyethylene water tank, stainless steel frame and heavy duty wheels, this mobile shower is easy to manoeuvre by one person. The tank holds 114 litres. An optional insulated jacket can be fitted to help reduce solar gain.

Key features
• Mobile and temporary use
• Easily manoeuvrable
• Stainless steel frame

Self-contained eyewash [EW15]
Portable self-contained eyewashes are ideal where a continuous supply of potable water is unavailable. The green 34 litre high-density polyethylene tank comes with large filling cap for easy filling and inspection, wall bracket and universal pictorial safety sign. Fully compliant with ANSI standards.

Check out the company’s product videos:

“A picture is worth a thousand words, but a video is worth a thousand pictures.” The company has created several videos that showcase its emergency safety equipment and highlight the key benefits of each model. Viewing these is a MUST to ensure you keep up-to-date on the latest safety equipment and how you can keep your workers safe: Visit www.aqua-safety.com/videos

Contact Details
Aqua Safety Showers International Ltd
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+44 (0) 1942 318096