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SDRPY delivers equipped ambulance to Saudi Hospital in Hayran


The Saudi Development and Reconstruction Programme for Yemen (SDRPY) has delivered an equipped ambulance to the Saudi Hospital in Hayran as an extension of the programme’s health sector support

The ambulance is equipped with all the features that facilitate and speed access to urgent care, helping to protect patients facing heightened health issues, and requiring greater service efficiency and safety.

The ambulance delivery follows SDRPY’s assessment of the province’s needs for basic services, prioritised in coordination with local authorities, and current global health challenges call for increased support to the Saudi Hospital in Hayran, which serves 23,000 beneficiaries and an average of 80 patients per day.

SDRPY’s activities in Hajjah Governorate include field visits by programme specialists to verify that the coronavirus pandemic is not adversely affecting ongoing projects, and also to monitor previously launched educational projects, such as the construction of two-storey schools fully equipped by SDRPY.

One such school is the 12-classroom King Faisal bin Abdulaziz School in Hayran, accommodating more than 600 students; the other is the nine-classroom Ali bin Abi Talib School in Midi, serving 400 students.

In conducting field monitoring and evaluation, SDRPY aims to ensure that projects comply with the standards the programme hopes to achieve in expanding opportunities for both girls and boys to receive a quality education in Hajjah Governorate.