
HSE Oman Forum: dissecting HSE challenges and positive initiatives


Fahad Rabani, Petroleum Development Oman (PDO), Ubaidul Haq, Oman Drydock Company (ODC), and Fahad Al Kiyumi, Oman Electricity Transmission Company (OETC), gave a Risk Overview for their respective organisations at the Oman Health Safety & Environment Forum 2021. 

Laying the groundwork for just how important HSE is to all organisations, Fahad Rabani, PDO, explained, "Safety is, I think, a concern for all organisations. Harming people, harming assets, or harming the environment is not welcome at any organisation. These days, reputation is very crucial; any incident can spread widely and, while incidents may be used as learning experiences, repeated incidents shows weakness. 

"We care about others, we care about ourselves, we care about our assets, and we care about our environment."

Fahad Al Kiyumi, OETC, elaborated, relaying the most significant HSE challenges to OETC and other transmission specialists, "We have lots of challenges... our work is often at an elevation of 50-metres or more, so we rely on finding competent people for our workforce, provide them with awareness and training, and all relevant competencies, so ensure the environment is as safe as possible. 

"The most important aspects are the equipment, what you will use to keep the workforce safe, and emergency procedures, all the information of the nearest hospitals and ambulance availability, must be in place."

"If you ask me how we monitor these procedures, the HSE team inspect, audit, and monitor these procedures. They also ensure the infrastructure is in place for emergency procedures."

Al Kiyumi suggested regular review of these procedures, revealing that OETC reviews all HSE procedures year-on-year, both amongst the HSE team and top management, with external consultants used as well. 

On initiatives that have been used for risk management and to reduce issues around HSE, Ubaidul Haq, ODC, suggested, "Top management has decided we can't accept any lost time accidents (LTAs) across the company. 

"To achieve this, we use PDCA- Plan, Do, Check, Action, beginning with brainstorming and past incidents, engaging an external consultant, and then drafting a development plan. We work out leadership and competency within this development plan to make sure everyone can arrive at work safely, work safely, and leave safely... our priority is education. This development plan fuels the DCA section of PDCA, making sure everything is brought back to management's development plan to be as efficient as possible."

"Also, we set up 'Golden Rules' across ODC, with any violations resulting in investigation no matter where, or under whose control, the violation took place."

The virtual HSE Oman Forum 2021 took place from 22-23 June. See www.hse-forum.com for further information.