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EGA shares experience of working safely in heat with companies at KIZAD


Emirates Global Aluminium, a UAE industrial company outside oil and gas, shared its experience of working safely at high temperatures with Abu Dhabi industrial companies at Khalifa Industrial Zone Abu Dhabi (KIZAD) as the hot summer weather begins

Aluminium smelting is a continuous process, and EGA has developed best practices to ensure worker safety in hot conditions.

The heat stress prevention programme includes training and awareness, the provision of appropriate cooling and hydration facilities, health monitoring, and many other controls. The programme will be revised at the end of the summer to ensure continuous improvement.

To help employees stay cool, EGA provides resting areas, cooling booths, icemakers and portable air conditioning units in production areas. In addition, UV protection, heat rash prevention creams, reusable water bottles for continuous water supply and electrolyte drinks are also provided.

Employees are regularly trained on heat-related risks and preventive measures-last year EGA’s health team conducted more than 100 worker education sessions on safely working in the heat for their employees and contractors.

EGA also conducts regular testing of its employees’ hydration levels. More than 17,000 hydration tests were performed last summer to ensure staff well-being while working in hot weather. EGA recorded just three minor cases of heat-related illness last summer. Due to early reporting and intervention, it was quickly and effectively managed by EGA Medical Services with first aid treatment.

On average 4000 people work in operational areas at EGA each day during the hot months. EGA’s goal is zero heat-related illness cases. EGA and KIZAD hosted health and safety professionals, managers and business owners at EGA’s Al Taweelah head office to share the experience.

Salman Abdulla, executive vice-president health, safety, security, environment, quality and business transformation at EGA, said, “The continuous nature of our operations means that EGA has spent many years honing our approach to working safely in hot conditions.”

“We can never be complacent, but we believe that we have significant experience and success to share with others on managing this important national issue. This will help us all reach our collective goal, which is ensuring that people doing important work for our country outside during hot weather can do so safely and healthily,” he added.

Abdullah Al Hameli, executive vice president – corporate support at Abu Dhabi Ports, said, “Fostering strong health, safety, and environment culture is a crucial priority for Abu Dhabi Ports and its subsidiaries. I’m confident that our partnership with EGA will help promote knowledge sharing in this important field.”