
DHA, DED to boost health investment and medical tourism in UAE


UAE’s Dubai Health Authority (DHA) and the Department of Economic Development (DED) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to bolster health investment and medical tourism in the emirate

The MoU was signed by Humaid Al Qutami, director-general of the Dubai Health Authority, and Sami Al Qamzi, director-general of the Department of Economic Development (DED) in the presence of a number of senior officials from both sides.

The MoU aims to promote investment opportunities, share data, studies and information related to health investments. The two sides will jointly collaborate to attract foreign direct investments, especially in niche healthcare specialities. The two sides will also work to protect investors’ intellectual property rights and they will promote the DHA’s health investment guide and certificate of need policy to provide investors with guidance and information on health investment in the emirate.

Humaid Al Qutami said that DHA has made significant strides in the field of healthcare investment. DHA has chalked out approved policies, a clear and comprehensive Dubai Health Investment Strategy and Guide that provides investors with much-needed information and guidance in terms of the healthcare landscape of Dubai and investment opportunities in Dubai.

Al Qutami highlighted the unique certificate of need guideline that ensures investments in the healthcare are in line with the requirements of the sector and the needs of the population.

He also highlighted the remarkable growth of the health sector of the emirate and said the presently Dubai has 3,400 health facilities which include hospitals and clinics.

In terms of medical tourism, Al Qutami said as per 2018 statistics, more than 337,000 health tourists visited the emirate seeking services in various health specialities.

On the memorandum of understanding, Al Qutami said that DED has achieved tremendous success in the field of investment and tourism and that the Authority is pleased to collaborate with the DED to further strengthen health investment and medical tourism in the emirate.

Al Qamzi said, “The Department of Economic Development is keen on strengthening its partnership with public and private organisations to provide an ideal business environment and make investment attractive to various sectors specifically investment in the health sector and medical tourism. The MoU with the DHA opens up more prospects and facilitates information sharing and knowledge about the health sector thereby contributing to the revitalisation of the health and medical tourism sector and raising opportunities for investment in this vital sector to reaffirm Dubai’s global competitiveness in investment across all sectors.”