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Brady Corporation unveils confined space safety covers


Brady Corporation, international manufacturer of products for identifying components used in workplaces, has unveiled eight types of confined space safety covers

The space safety covers increase safety for almost any confined space by completely covering its opening with a physical barrier and safety message.

Increase confined space safety

Confined spaces can be difficult to get out in a hurry. This makes them an increased safety risk. Rights to enter a confined space are usually very limited and part of a larger safety procedure to avoid accidents.

With Brady Corporation's confined space safety covers, openings to almost any confined space can be covered completely with a physical barrier to deter entrance. A warning message is added to warn coworkers for the safety risks involved.


Eight types of confined space safety covers enable barring almost any confined space opening. Options include lockable or unlockable, elastic, magnetic or velcro fit and a solid or ventilated design.

According to Brady Corporation, they are easier to apply than typically used warning tape. In addition, the covers can easily be reapplied after maintenance.