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Almas Robotics launches AI-powered device improving school bus safety


Almas Robotics, a Dubai-based technology and engineering company, has launched its new “Safe Bus” smart device which uses artificial intelligence technology to track passengers on school buses with the aim of improving safety standards in the UAE

The device is connected to multiple sensors installed on the bus door that monitor passenger movement and record the number of passengers entering and exiting the vehicle. The Safe Bus device is automatically activated as soon as the bus engine is switched on and provides a reading within one second.

Safe Bus was created by Almas Robotics Founder and CEO Fahim Almas.

Once a bus driver attempts to turn off the engine, the device will complete a check to determine if the number of exiting passengers matches the number of those who entered originally. If the number of passengers on board is higher than zero, the device will instantly sound an alarm and send an SMS notification to the driver and transportation company.

The seamless solution aims to prevent cases of children being left mistakenly on school buses and improve safety standards in the UAE, while the company intends to keep the cost of the device affordable in an effort to encourage the widespread adoption of the life-saving technology.

“We have high expectations for this device as it brings a new concept to the market that addresses a serious problem in an innovative and seamless way. Our conversations with schools and transportation companies have been encouraging so far, and we hope one day to see the device used in every school bus in the UAE. It is solutions like these that will lead Dubai to achieve its ambitious vision of becoming one of the world’s smartest cities in the near future,” Almas said.

Earlier this year, Almas Robotics launched its M First and M Second Educational Robots - a unique series of multi-purpose 3D printed robotic arms designed to lift light objects and teach children about the basics of robotics.

“Education is a major focus area for Almas Robotics and we have big plans to work with schools in the UAE to introduce children to the exciting world of robotics, 3D printing and artificial intelligence through interactive workshops,” he added.