
Advanced Watertek celebrates 100,000 manhours without LTI


Advanced Watertek has achieved more than 100,000 man-hours without any LTI (lost time injury) for the period from January 2020 to May 2021

This includes both works at their factory and onsite.

Advanced Watertek is a leading Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) of membrane-based Water Treatment solutions. A typical day of operations at Advanced Watertek includes steel fabrication, installation and testing of high-pressure equipment, electrical installation and handling hazardous chemicals.

Their worksites include hazardous environments offshore, confined spaces onboard ships, construction sites and other remote harsh conditions. Under such circumstances, the top priority for the company is the health and safety of its people.

Key aspects of Advanced Watertek’s safety management are rigorous risk assessment; compliance to regulatory requirements; collaborative approach involving all stakeholders; continuous training and awareness; and periodic audits and inspections

Mohammed Farghaly, CEO of Advanced Watertek, said, “Health and safety have been our priority for over 36 years. I commend the team for their dedication and constant efforts to ensure safe operating procedures on-site and in our remote locations. Thanks to their hard work, health and safety best practices have been inculcated into the daily working routine of the organisation.”