
TFT launches new dual feature SHO-FLOW app for fire ground operations

Fire Safety

Fire fighting equipment provider TFT has launched a new SHO-FLOW app

This app is the fire service’s first dual featured application that operates as either a fully functional stand-alone water flow calculator or in conjunction with TFT’s SHO-FLOW Bluetooth Flow Meter.

In stand-alone mode, crews are able to independently calculate everything related to getting water to the fire using established fire flow formulas. Functions include Flow Rate, Nozzle Reaction, Pump Discharge Pressure, Hose Friction Loss, and establishing Target Fire Flow Rates.

Users also have the option to seamlessly connect to any TFT SHO-FLOW Bluetooth Flow Meter, and transform their calculations into real-world numbers in real-time. Instead of using formulas, measure real-time flow rates and calculate true Pump Discharge Pressures (PDP), Nozzle Reaction, Hose Friction Loss, and even conduct NFPA 1962 Flow Tests.

The app, designed to deliver information in either metric or USA units, also allows custom naming of the team’s SHO-FLOW meter device, as well as enabling an unlimited amount of first responders to see real-time flow rate, total water delivered, and device friction loss from up to a quarter-mile away.

The app also includes instant links to TFT’s water flow education video series, H2KnOw, and recommendations for target fire flows when using water or foam.

Android and Apple users can download the free application on Google Play or at the App Store (search apps for SHO-FLOW).