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Special report: Highlights of the International Exhibition for National Security & Resilience 2018


What is SDSN?

SDSN stands for "software-defined secure networks". At his Tech Talk on the first day of ISNR, Mohammed Al Khalidi, Senior Systems Engineer, Juniper, shared the benefits of such networks. He told the conference that SDSN is a means of uniting vendors to combat cyber security threats. 

"We are grouping together the good guys against the bad guys," he said. It is a whole network operating as a virtual firewall with cyber threats being easy to detect and, importantly, easy to shut down. 

Rather than just protecting the perimeter, Mr Al Kahlidi explained that SDSN "looks at every connection as an enforcement point." 

He said that "everything is automated... [taking] the network from passive to active" with any problematic users easily shut out or quarantined until that threat has been removed.

"There is a single detector and enforcer across the whole network," he said, adding that third parties can be easily added. "It is a way to secure your data, your brand and your customers."